Thursday, November 8, 2012

The pitter patter of little feet


           What an unusual picture, I know! But this,this is what I get. Sitting at my desk trying to do a hundred
million things,in my small 20 minute lunch break that I have when I can quietly sneak upstairs. But like clockwork the minute I sit down ready to fiercely attack my to do list here they come one by one back into the schoolroom! Im like..wha ha ha uttt! I just left them downstairs everyone content with sandwich and Waltons! So now,though ,here they stand, right on top of my to do list ! So why one might ask, are they standing on top of my desk ? Well they were looking for a book. But I think they were looking to drive me nuts. I just keep telling myself ,what drives me nuts today,will be greatly missed day. 
Today however,was not that day .